Workspace Whisperer's scalable workforce allows them to easily handle projects of any size with ease. All of Workspace Whisperer’s new clients have come through referrals from previous project contacts. These include architects, designers, or end users who have seen the economic value and benefit to all stakeholders of bringing Workspace Whisperer to the project.
The building has been selected, the lease has been signed and funds have been allocated. It is generally at this point that Kathy and her project managers are brought in, read all pertinent documentation to familiarize themselves with the project and sit in on planning meetings. They meet privately with the client to clarify details and priorities, then get to know the other stakeholders and their areas of special concern. This establishes rapport and trust.
As the project moves forward, Kathy and her project managers become the primary contact for questions about different areas of the buildout, off-loading thousands of details from the client. One reason for the success of Workspace Whisperer is Kathy’s deft handling of which issues require the client’s direct involvement and those she can resolve for him or her.
Workplace Whisperer will ensure a smooth transition for your project by keeping vendors and subcontractors working efficiently toward a successful conclusion. Let Kathy Clune and her experienced project managers support you by ensuring project-wide coordination, clear communication and backstopping you against overlooked details and cost overruns.
Or give Kathy a call at 703-582-4484
kathy@workspacewhisperer.com© Workspace Whisperer LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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